Wednesday, May 23, 2007



Osselin said...

Noche, ciudad

Desierto nocturno
ciudad deshabitada
aceras mojadas
frescor solitario
silencios aplazados
cajas apiladas
farolas verdes
horizontes pardos
Y tu mirada ausente
Y mi soledad paseada

Amo ergo sum said...

Salut Marlen (is that correct?)

I like the most upper picture you posted under your latest "Noctámbulo" post.

About the painting you asked about, its a painting from Filonov. He was a Russian painter, who lived in the beginning of the 20st century (must have been turbulent time in Russia back then...). The poem comes from Fernando Pessoa, a Portuguese poet who you can easily google :).

Anyways, I like both the painter and the poet very much :) and thus thought that it would be nice combining the two to both visualise the text and describe the image :).

Anywayssssss, long comment! I hope I will manage to drop a post on your website as soon as I have a bit more time (work, work, work...) :)



Arturo Ávila Cano said...

Hola amiga

Felicidades por estas imágenes nocturnas. Hace tiempo no te visitaba, pero siempre tengo presente tu trabajo.
Te he dedicado unas imágenes en mi blog, de esas que te agradan.

Anonymous said...

wow yo aparezco por ahi . fue una noche genial akella milk: