Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Viene en camino


Amo ergo sum said...

Hi Marlen,

I hope all is well and that you remember me, Marijn!

We spoke a while ago and I decided to dedicate a post to you on my blog and to include you in my link section on my site.

Now, I wonder whether you could include my link in your link section. I updated my blog and I beed more vistors on it to raise a bit of money for my PhD. Have a look if you want at:

I look forward to hearing from you and really hope that you can help me :)

Besos and take care!



Tania said...

"Vuelve la vida"... y despues... "viene el camino"...
Esos dos ultimos posts dibujan sentimientos de amanecer en el alma.

Gracias y un abrazo afectuoso.